I was ashamed when I called Choose Hope Women’s Center. My daughter had run off and left her baby with me. I didn’t know what to do and I’ve never had to ask for help from anyone. You never treated me bad. You never judged me. I’m so glad I called.
I was ashamed when I called Choose Hope Women's Center. My daughter had run off and left her baby with me. I didn’t know what to do and I’ve never had to ask for help from anyone. You never treated me bad. You never judged me. I’m so glad I called.-Diane
I was scared, alone and saw no way out of this mess. Then I found Choose Hope Women's Center. I wasn’t alone anymore. They walked with me and held my hand. They gave me hope that things would get better. Thank God for Choose Hope Women's Center.-Danielle
You don’t just help people, you reach out to the hearts of the people you help and that is really special. Thank you for improving my life!-Sarah
I came to Choose Hope Women's Center 9 months pregnant and living in my car. Choose Hope Women's Center took me in when no family or friends would. It has taken me years to get my act together. I could not have done it without Choose Hope Women's Center being at my side the whole way.-Rachel
My son would not be alive today if it wasn’t for Choose Hope Women's Center. I didn’t have to sacrifice my education or career to have him either. Choose Hope Women's Center helped me through the initial crisis and continued to help until I was on my feet again. The volunteers of Choose Hope Women's Center treated me like I was family.-Darlene
I wanted my wife to have an abortion. I was out of work, we already had two kids and we were late on our mortgage. My wife didn’t want the abortion but I didn’t see any other way. Choose Hope Women's Center showed us the way. My son is five and I can’t imagine life without him.-John
I didn’t want to get an abortion but I felt I had no other choice. Choose Hope Women's Center offered me the support and resources I needed to have my baby.-Brittany
Thank you for always being just a phone call away. You’re the only one who seems to mean it when you say you will help.-Diane
When my parents found out I was pregnant, they threw me out on the street. Choose Hope Women's Center was there to pick me up and help me find a place to stay and materials to have my baby.-Maggie
How did you know? How did you know to call just when I needed you? My husband beats on me, my family turns away from me, but you are always there. You are more than Choose Hope Women's Center. You are my friend. I love you.-Tammy
I thought I was completely alone in the world – and then I called Choose Hope Women's Center. The hope you gave me that night, and in the coming months, turned my crisis into joy.-Janet
I was one of your first clients. My son is grown now and a very fine man. Thank you.-Susan
Seventeen years ago I was in a crisis pregnancy and there were caring people at Choose Hope Women's Center to help me get through it. Now I feel God calling me back to Choose Hope Women's Center to pay it forward and help others.-Carol
Thinking you might be pregnant is the scariest feeling in the world. I felt paralyzed and had nowhere to turn. hen a friend told me about Choose Hope Women's Center. I got a free pregnancy test right in their office and was so relieved that it was negative. The volunteer never judged me, she was supportive and kind.-Janet
I am 28 years old, happily married with my own child. Each day I realize that my very existence and destiny once depended on the decisions of a frightened teenager. I’m so proud of my mom for having me.-Doug
I have never forgotten how Choose Hope Women's Center help me through my crisis. Now two years later I am a single mom of a beautiful little girl. I hope you will pass these clothes on to let others know there is always hope.-Lynn
It feels so good to know that there are wonderful people like Choose Hope Women's Center in this world that help others. You don’t know how much you are appreciated. Things have been financially stressful but we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.-Amber
I just want to say thank you so much for caring. I praise God to have Choose Hope Women's Center in my life. Thank you for all the gifts and for coming to my house when my son was sick.-Ruth
Thanks for always being just a phone call away. You’re the only one who seems to mean it when you say you’ll help.-Ashely