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No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

Since 1973, Choose Hope Women’s Center has been serving Harford County and the surrounding area. During that time we have built up relationships with other community resources in the area. By partnering with other community organizations, we can meet many of our client’s needs.

Some of the resources we refer for:

  • Low or no-cost baby furniture
  • Medical assistance/insurance
  • Food giveaways/pantry
  • Housing
  • Professional counseling
  • Legal advice
  • Pre-natal care
  • English as a Second Language Resources
  • Support for abuse and addiction

While Google is a great resource, it is not always area specific. We are aware of so many resources and support that are in place for our clients and we are happy to share them with you.

Call Choose Hope Women’s Center today to talk with one of our experienced client advocates to help assess your needs and how we can help.

You are muchstronger
than you think