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helping hands graphicthe volunteer who answers the phone when the client initially calls. That person needs a steady hand, and block out everything in order to focus on the woman’s call. This may be the first contact a client has with Choose Hope Women’s Center, and it’s important that we convey our desire to help. When our office is closed our 24-hour hotline is answered by a Choose Hope Women’s Center volunteer who will assist her.…the hand of the office volunteer who greets the client when she comes in. Our office is decorated like a home in the hope the client will feel she is meeting a friend. The volunteer will assess her situation and offer her information on all her options. She will support and guide the client for as long as she needs us. For some, this is only a one-time visit, for others the volunteer will meet with her throughout her pregnancy and beyond. Often a close friendship develops between the client and her volunteer. Years
later many clients still call and visit with updates on how they are doing.…the hand of the donor who gives maternity clothes which the client is happy to receive. Beautiful items are given, usually from
other moms, who want to pass on the blessing. The client is pleased to see the assortment she can choose from. In addition to
maternity clothes, there are books on pregnancy she may borrow, and a Pregnancy Program she may be interested in. We want to
help equip her with tools she will need as she prepares to give birth.…the donor who gives items for the layettes and the volunteers who assemble them. This encompasses so many hands – from
homemade blankets to new and gently used baby clothes, towels, sheets, booties, hats, toys and more. When the donations are
received they are checked, sorted, folded and put into a large clothes basket. One for a girl and another for a boy. This gift is
given to the new mother after her baby is born. Every client who gets a layette basket is stunned by the generous abundance she
receives. Her smiles and even tears represent her appreciation.…the hand of the financial donor who paid for the ad which the client saw and then made her first call to Choose Hope Women’s Center.

Won’t you consider helping with a donation today?

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than you think