No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant is overwhelming enough, let alone adding the thought of telling your parents the news. However, there are strategies you can take to feel more prepared.

This article will highlight these strategies, but we’re here if you’re looking for a safe space to talk, ask questions, and gather your thoughts. Contact us any time. All appointments are free and confidential.

Learn About All Your Options First

Your parents will likely have their own opinions about how you should move forward in your pregnancy. While you likely value and respect their opinions, knowing that your pregnancy decision is yours alone is essential.

This is why it is important to learn all you can about your pregnancy options. By knowing your options and how you feel about them, you can go into the conversation feeling confident about how you want to move forward in your pregnancy and why.

You’ll also be able to demonstrate to your parents that you’ve researched your options and know what you’re talking about.

Think Through What You Want to Say and How You’ll Respond

Gathering your thoughts beforehand will help you feel more prepared as you enter the conversation. Some talking points to consider include:

  • What pregnancy option am I leaning toward and why?
  • What do I need from my parents right now (what would their support look like)?

It’s also essential to prepare yourself in case your parents don’t respond the way you hope. For example, if your parents are angry or think you should take a different pregnancy path than you’re comfortable with, how will you respond in a healthy way?

It’s critical to point out that if your parents don’t respond as you hope, they likely need time to process the news. If given that time, they might come around to your point of view and respond more favorably to the situation.

You’re Not Alone in This

The thought of telling your parents you’re pregnant can feel scary, but you’re not alone in this. At Choose Hope Women’s Center, we’re here for you.

We provide a safe, non-judgmental space to learn more about your pregnancy options and ask questions with people who understand what you’re going through. This can be instrumental in helping you feel prepared to tell your parents.

Contact us today to get connected. All appointments and resources are free and confidential.

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than you think