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No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

change a life - giving Tuesday 2019

Start out this Christmas Season by giving! Join in the global movement of Giving Tuesday by donating to Choose Hope Women’s Center today! There are many ways that you can give:

  • Click here to donate this morning on our Facebook page – Facebook will match your gift and 100% of it goes to Choose Hope Women’s Center.
  • Click here to donate on our website.
  • If helping young women choose life is close to your heart, consider making a significant gift to Choose Hope Women’s Center through business interests, stock, bonds as well as real estate and other held assets. This can have a very significant tax benefit for you as well.
  • Consider leaving a legacy of life by including Choose Hope Women’s Center in the estate planning of your assets. Your donation will impact generations to come!
  • If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a charitable gift from your IRA to help the pre-born and their family.
  • Honor a loved one with an Honorary or Memorial Gift.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your options for giving. Your donation allows us the opportunity to walk alongside a mom in an unplanned pregnancy giving her the support she needs to choose hope and life!

Thank you for your support! We could not do this work without you!

 Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year!


Stephanie Atha
Executive Director
Choose Hope Women’s Center

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than you think