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YOU DID IT! You donated diapers and wipes and blessed this community in a big way! Partnering with organizations in Harford county, we were able to distribute a total of 474 packs of diapers and 200 packs to wipes during 4 food giveaways. We could not have done this without your support! This truly was an example of the community coming together to meet a need! These are the pictures of hope and good news that we all need to see during this time!

baby supplies packed for delivery

One of 4 loads of diapers and wipes going to a food giveaway.

If I could see you in person, I would give you a big hug and say THANK YOU! THANK YOU for encouraging a family in need today! THANK YOU for offering someone HOPE in the form of a pack of diapers and wipes! THANK YOU for making sure a family didn’t have to choose between paying the rent or buying the diapers.

THANK YOU for being wonderful YOU!

As this pandemic continues, our work continues. As you can imagine things have been different at the center but we are still counseling clients on the phone, arranging for porch pick-ups, and meeting with those pregnant and deciding while maintaining social distancing measures.

There is strong research that pregnancies increase after a regional event, such as a natural disaster that creates a period of extended time at home. We are working hard to increase our internet advertising so that when that unexpectedly pregnant woman is searching for help and direction, Choose Hope Women’s Center’s information will appear on her Google search.

We need your help to reach the young woman who is pregnant and abortion vulnerable! Recently we completely updated this website as a first step in preparing to reach new clients!

Next, we have been meeting with Choose Life Marketing firm to put processes in place so that when a woman is searching for information about pregnancy or even abortion, our new Choose Hope Women’s Center website will come up at the top of the search results. As you can imagine, paid advertising is expensive, but we believe the cost is well worth it if it enables us to come alongside a woman in need and empower her to have her baby. Right now when a woman Googles “pregnancy test” in our area, Planned Parenthood is one of the first results in the search.

This truly is a David vs. Goliath scenario, but we are confident as we trust in the One who calls us to love! Partner with us as we share unconditional love and support by:

  • Praying for any woman facing an unplanned pregnancy
  • Praying for our volunteers and staff to be able to share the words of hope and life
  • Donating financially so Choose Hope Women’s Center will be at the top of the Google search

You can donate online using the button at the top of this website or you can send a donation to our office.

Be assured that 100% of your donation will go toward helping women and families in our community Choose Hope and Life in a desperate time. As we serve together, with a heart to love and empower women to choose life, we will not only face this giant, but we will watch him fall.

Blessings to you and your family,

Stephanie Atha

Stephanie Atha
Executive Director
Choose Hope Women’s Center

Executive Director, Stephanie Atha, with one of 4 loads of diapers and wipes distributed at a food giveaway

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than you think