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No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

Dear Choose Hope Women’s Center Supporter,

Teresa came to Choose Hope Women’s Center hoping for a negative result on her pregnancy test. As a single mom she feared a third child would devastate her financially. She was crushed when the pregnancy test was positive. She told the Choose Hope Women’s Center volunteer that she felt pressured to consider abortion for this pregnancy, even though she had already experienced an abortion years before. Together they discussed Teresa’s concerns, prenatal development, and abortion. Teresa spent some time studying our life-like fetal models. She later said that our friendship, along with our life-like models, greatly affected her decision to continue her pregnancy.

While we celebrate the women that choose life, we know there are many more who do not. There is much work to be done. Where the whole of the United States has seen a drop in abortion, Maryland has seen a 7% increase in abortions.* Like the recent laws in New York, Maryland already allows abortion throughout all 40 weeks of pregnancy with little to no restriction.

Choose Hope Women’s Center needs your help reaching pregnant and abortion-vulnerable women in our area, so that like Teresa, she too can know that abortion is not her only option and that she has a friend to help support and resource her every step of the way through her pregnancy and beyond!

As we move into 2020, Choose Hope Women’s Center would like to reach more clients in our area through two opportunities: our location and our advertising. We are in the planning stages to open a second office in the fall of 2020 to provide clients with greater accessibility to our services. Our prospective location in Edgewood will have more visibility to those in the community, with bus service stopping directly in front of our new location on Route 40. We have also recently learned that other pregnancy centers have successfully reached new clients through paid marketing. This would be a new regular monthly expense for Choose Hope Women’s Center, with costs ranging as much as $500 each month. Both of these endeavors can seem overwhelming at times, but we are trusting that God will provide the resources needed to reach more women.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us by making a year-end donation?

Your donation of:

  • $25 will purchase a case of diapers for a newborn.
  • $60 will operate our website for one month, helping us reach an average of 2000 visitors each and every month.
  • $100 will cover our 8 week Prepare to Parent program for one client.
  • $200 will cover the cost of our phone service and 24-hour hotline for one month so we are always available when the call comes in.
  • $500 will cover one month of marketing to move us to the top of Google search results.
  • $1000 will purchase the computer equipment needed in our 2nd office.
  • $5000 will buy furniture, carpet and wall hangings for the 2nd office.

choose hope logoThe time is now. You can make your donation through PayPal using the green Donate link at the top of this website. The staff and volunteers at Choose Hope Women’s Center are committed to doing all that we can to help women choose life. Together we can make a difference, one life at a time.


Stephanie Atha


You are muchstronger
than you think