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Dear Friend of Choose Hope Women’s Center,

“If it wasn’t for Choose Hope Women’s Center, my son would not be here.” As she told me these words I immediately thought, she must have been thinking about getting an abortion. She continued, “I took your parenting classes and one of the videos I watched was about CPR for infants. When my 1-year old son was choking I knew what to do, and that’s only because I took that class at Choose Hope Women’s Center. If it wasn’t for Choose Hope Women’s Center, I don’t think he’d be alive today.

Meeting this young lady reminded me of the varied work that Choose Hope Women’s Center does in the community. Yes, we come alongside those who are unexpectedly pregnant and help them make life-affirming choices. But we also encourage the new mom who is struggling to clothe her young child, or the new dad who is not sure what fatherhood means, or the woman struggling after choosing an abortion years ago. At Choose Hope Women’s Center, we love them all.

gift boxWould you continue to help us in this important work? You may donate here on our website ( Your entire gift will be used in the office to serve our community. We couldn’t do the work of Choose Hope Women’s Center without you. Your support literally saves lives.

Consider also linking your Amazon Smile, United Way, and any accounts with Choose Hope Women’s Center. Any gift is extremely important and will help make an immediate impact on the lives of women and their families in Harford, Baltimore, Cecil counties as well as Southern Pennsylvania.

I want to thank you for your continued support and wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. If this ministry is on your heart, please think about joining our volunteers. Please stop by our office or come to an Open House on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm to learn more about the work we do at Choose Hope Women’s Center.

Sincerely yours,

Stephanie Atha, Executive Director

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