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Dear Choose Hope Women’s Center Friend,I humbly come to you with our annual appeal letter. I feel so strongly about the Choose Hope Women’s Center ministry and the important work God is doing through our volunteers. I wish you could look into the eyes of each person who comes to Choose Hope Women’s Center for help. In spite of the sameness of their requests, each has a unique  story, individual needs, and concerns that must be met in different ways. It can be a challenge but at the same time a privilege.

charity dove word cloud imageGod has brought together a team of volunteers to meet a common goal. One volunteer is a warm, gentle woman who has patiently and consistently ministered to a young mother for the past year. Another volunteer is working through our Pregnancy Program with a first time mom. Another is speaking to an abortion minded caller. Our male volunteers are taking calls from men concerned about their wife or girlfriend’s pregnancy. Our Outreach Team is speaking at schools, churches, fairs, and events about Choose Hope Women’s Center’s role with Addiction and Pregnancy and Post Abortion Bridge to Healing. Our clients are women and men, young and old, parents and grandparents, pregnant, post-partum, and post abortive.

These are just a few examples of the work we do at Choose Hope Women’s Center. Each volunteer brings their unique gifts to do God’s work and they each have a story to tell. These dedicated volunteers come in week after week ready to give their all to someone in need. Their unwavering commitment and love is inspiring and they never give up – even when the outcome is different from what we had hoped.

As we approach Christmas and the beginning of a New Year, I pray that you would consider a financial gift to Choose Hope Women’s Center. You may make your gift securely through PayPal by simply clicking the green DONATE NOW button at the bottom of this web page. Your gift will stay in our office and serve in our community.

Our budget is consistent at $90,000 a year
with 43 volunteers
two part time staff
open six days a week
working with more than 317 clients
serving Harford, Baltimore, Cecil, and Southern PA
for more than 43 years.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Please stop by our office and look around. Hear about the work we are doing. We host an Open House on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Carol Maglov
Executive Director

Download a printable PDF version of this letter to pass along to a friend or family member who may also wish to help.

You are muchstronger
than you think