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No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

Discovering that you’re pregnant can be overwhelming, especially if your partner doesn’t support you. 

While this is a challenging time that makes it feel like your world has been turned upside down, it’s important to remember that you have options and resources available. 

This article will highlight how can navigate this situation and find the support you need. Looking for a safe space to talk and learn more about your options? Choose Hope Women’s Center is here for you. All appointments and resources are free and confidential

1. Reflect on Your Own Feelings and Goals

Before making any decisions, take time to think about how you feel and what you want. Your emotions and desires matter most in this situation. It’s essential to consider what’s best for your health, well-being, and future. Sometimes, a partner’s reaction can cloud your judgment, so take the time you need to reflect on your own values and goals. 

2. Open a Dialogue With Your Partner

While your partner may initially react negatively, it’s possible they need time to process the news. Try having an open, honest conversation about how you’re feeling and what you need from them. 

Avoid arguing or forcing a decision. Instead, share your perspective and encourage a calm discussion. While your partner may not fully support your decision, they may become more understanding over time.

3. Seek Support From Others

If your partner continues to be unsupportive, reach out to other people you trust. Friends, family members, or a counselor can provide emotional support and guidance. 

And if you’re feeling all alone, like you don’t have anyone to turn to, know that Choose Hope Women’s Center is here. We’re a safe space where you can turn to find support, information, and free resources to help you move forward. 

4. Know Your Rights and Options

Remember that the decision about your pregnancy is ultimately yours. You have the right to choose what’s best for you, whether that’s continuing the pregnancy, considering adoption, or exploring other options. Educate yourself about all the available paths and seek out resources that can help you make an informed decision.

We’re Here for You

At Choose Hope Women’s Center, we understand what you’re going through right now—but you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.

Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment to learn about all the ways we’re able to help.

You are muchstronger
than you think